Client — American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Project — I worked on several great projects with AAP over the years, and these are three of my favorites. The first is a microsite/tool to help parents identify developmental delays in children. To be honest, this was a difficult project — especially when creating the animated GIFs. Luckily another designer handled the actual animation, but providing direction and feedback (“the baby’s head should move like THIS…”) was certainly something to remember. This site won ClearMark award in 2016 for “Best Longform Multimedia”.
Role — Creative direction, designer, ux designer, animated gif oversight
Physical Developmental Delays: What to look for

Responsive Feeding campaign
Project — AAP wanted to introduce the concept of “Responsive Feeding” to parents of children aged 2 and younger. In response, we generated a fun, adorable campaign in English and Spanish, centered around that messaging, and tips to prevent childhood obesity. This was especially great for me, as my first child was on the way.
Role — Creative direction, design lead, co-writing script animation direction, storyboarding, animation prep.
Tips for Families
Project — These documents were to be part of a series, intended to provide tips for parents on how to deal with difficult issues their child could experience. The first of two of six total materials are below — one on inattention and hyperactivity, and another on depression. The project fell through in 2016, but I was told they were interested in picking it back up as of March 2020.
Role — Creative direction, design lead